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Small producers market

Opening hours: Du 01/01 au 31/12

You can find producers of cheese, honey, jam, eggs, and poultry to order (as well as vegetables from June).

Opening times

Every Sunday morning.

Small producers market

Small producers market
07170 Lussas

The nearest tourist office

Gûlwen Heide - Barbara Jarjat - Rendez-vous en Terres Ardéchoises
Located at: Mirabel
Berg & Coiron Tourist Information


The Grotte Chauvet 2 Ardeche

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OthersMarkets in Ardeche

Located at: Gilhoc-sur-Ormèze
Marché traditionnel
Located at: Lussas
Small producers market
Located at: Saint-Privat
Vide-grenier de Saint-Privat
Located at: Darbres
Mini-marché de Darbres
Located at: Saint-Jean-le-Centenier
Le marché des Arches
Located at: Saint-Didier-sous-Aubenas
Marchés de producteurs
Located at: Vesseaux
Marché de producteurs locaux
Located at: Saint-Privat
Petit marché primeur hebdomadaire
Located at: Saint-Jean-le-Centenier
Giant garage sale «Le Fouillis de St Jean»
Located at: Villeneuve-de-Berg
Weekly market in Villeneuve de Berg