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Visits in Ardeche

165 Visits in Ardeche



"Pays d'Art et d'Histoire" in Ardeche

Vivarais awarded "Pays d’Art et d’Histoire" status With more than 80 classified and protected monuments dotted across the area, the Vivarais Méridional is now designated as a "Pays d’Art et d’Histoire". Awarded in summer 2010, the classification will give the area a higher tourist profile, as well as helping to protect local heritage and promote awareness of its importance. Located in the far south of the Ardèche department, the Vivarais Méridional offers rich history and unspoilt countryside, with a diverse heritage that includes archaeological remains as well as buildings from the Middle AgesRenaissance and industrial periods.

Amongst the many visitor attractions are:
  • The Paleolithic decorated caves at Figuier
  • the Champvermeil dolmens at Bidon
  • Iron Age strongholds
  • the Gallo-Romain site at Alba
  • chateaux, perched villages, and mansions
  • and working communities such as Teil and Cruas.

This tourism label will help the Vivarais Méridional to attract visitors from a far wider public.