Festival d'Alba : Spectacle "Huellas"

Acrobatic archaeology. Here, the circus serves as a gateway to our roots, to rediscovering our place in the long history of human inter-species relations.
In the beginning, there was scientific observation in search of traces dating back 80,000 years. The physical abilities of the hunter-gatherer, accustomed to living in an undomesticated environment, approach those of the acrobat.
Huellas is an anthropological journey through time.

The two men are rough, funny, clumsy but lively, fragile and generous. The raw movements are reminiscent of primal interactions. There is a link with working the land in their rebounds, their lifts, the sounds of their bodies falling and hitting the ground. The essence is there, the humour never far away. The clay bears their imprints in a documentary human factory.
This event takes place :
Théâtre de la Roche

Equipments / Services

We speak : French

Openings / Rates

From Tuesday 9 to Saturday 13 July 2024 at 8 pm.
Full price: from 19 €, Reduced price: from 16 €, Child: from 12 €.


07400 Alba-la-Romaine
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