Jaujac’s treasure hunt

Test your sense of observation! To do this, go to each numbered terminal of the treasure hunt and answer the questions located on the back of this map. The terminals have been painted on the ground (orange eye), it’s up to you to spot them.
Remove your treasure hunt cards for free at the Tourist Office and go to each kiosk numbered orange (eye) of the treasure hunt. Answer the questions on the back of the plan. Follow them in order or disorder. At the end, go to the Tourist Office to know the solutions and calculate your score. Answers of the treasure hunt of Jaujac visible 24/24 and 7/7, outside the Tourist Office, on the glass side rue de la Molle.

Equipments / Services

We speak : French

Opening / Rates

All year round.
Free of charge.


Dans le village de Jaujac
Rue de la molle
07380 Jaujac
How do I get there?

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